Akashic Temple

About Our medicine

Dani and I began working together at the beginning of 2021 in a loving partnership that sparked a new chapter of transformation and growth in my life, leading me further into my heart's true calling.

With her guidance and support, I was able to unlock deeper layers of healing and a true embodiment of my purpose in this lifetime.  The universe gifted me with a beautiful friendship and soul connection that divinely led us to begin co-creating potent experiences together.

In celebration and admiration of our individual gifts, we channel journeys to inspire illumination and remembrance - swirling in the etheric realms of devoted service. 

Our offerings are rooted in the anchoring of life as ceremony and creation - inviting the raw, authentic pieces of the soul that want to be witnessed or alchemized. We are lovers of the mystery, encouraging exploration of the depths in open-hearted intimacy.

Akashic Temple

Akashic Temple was a virtual sound and meditation experience focusing on energy purification, renewal and elevation.  We journeyed through the chakras root to crown for a 7 week series from February 6 to March 20, 2023, closing with a special Spring Equinox ceremony.  We entered a sacred portal to honor the final stretch of winter, preparing for spring's creative blossoming with the illuminating energies of the akashic field.  If you wish to work with the recording from this series, please email me at: cosmicheart222@gmail.com

About dani wild

Dani is an akashic energy intuitive, yoga teacher, photographer and artist who dances in the potency of living in surrender to the mystery.  As she dives into this wild, expansive human experience she invites others to step into their own authentic path and self truths - guiding them to the core of their being in loving support.  Trusting in the medicine of life, she knows who she is - she knows why she's here and she knows how to serve - devoted to embracing the ebb and flow.  Her offerings are created from the heart and invite you to enter the gates of your own temple in alchemical co-creation.